Note: We are currently experiencing a higher than normal failure rate on email sending.

While we work to fix this issue, if you have not received your account activation email, please open an account help ticket on Discord or through our email support and we will assist you manually.

Please provide the email address of the account you are trying to register when doing so.

Thanks for your patience!

Please double, no triple check your email address! In diagnosing our email issues we are getting reports that mailboxes are full or do not exist. This is not something we can test for at registration!

Note: Please do not use school or employer emails. They are blocking us.

Sign Up

Please note, the game itself has the following limitations on passwords:

  • Must use US English keyboard characters.
  • Cannot contain spaces.
  • Cannot be longer than 12 characters.
  • Will not recognize Numpad input.

Passwords that have unsupported characters or length will still be accepted by the website, but at this time you will be unable to log into the game.

Do you already have an account? Login