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FeralHeart Unleashed is a free-to-play, community-supported, non-profit game run by volunteers, meaning our game's funding comes exclusively from donations.

Our operating costs include, but are not limited to, things such as:

We are committed to using supporter funds for these purposes only. Never will staff of FeralHeart Unleashed use our supporter's funds for anything other than supporting the game's hosting. This way, the game will stay alive only as long as the community wants to support it.

Unfortunately, FeralHeart Unleashed is no longer in active development, therefore, all funding goes towards running the game as is, with minor fixes and tweaks that are still possible. It is for this reason we no longer offer exclusive access to early builds or a private server as supporter perks, nor offer Patreon recurring subscriptions.

Supporters of FeralHeart Unleashed gain access to exclusive benefits as a thanks for supporting the game's existence. However, because of our commitment to keeping this game free-to-play, we will never lock major features behind a paywall.

Supporter benefits include:

Our team is constantly thinking of new perks to offer to our supporters, so remember to check this page to keep up to date on the newest benefits.

Ways to Support FeralHeart Unleashed

Discord Boosting

One simple way to support us is by Boosting our Discord Server! This helps us unlock cool benefits for the community on Discord like higher streaming bit-rates and a custom invite URL! Goals and progress for this support option are easily seen in the top left of the Discord server.

That's all for now!

Currently, our hosting costs are covered by existing support, and there are no plans for further active development. We've been asked if we had a tip jar or somewhere people could toss a coin to for the hosting costs, but we've been unable to find a fair solution so far. PayPal's Donation button and Ko-fi's PayPal processing both take a flat fee that would take a huge portion of small donations, and Patreon only adds more! Therefore, while we greatly appreciate the offers, we just wouldn't feel right sending half your donation right into the ether!


Satyrhorn | Elysian | Oreloki | Ragnarok | Time_CMA | ChaoticGharial | Espurr | RABIES | Lyx | sebbotto | Sunny | Wolfandfeline | Hieroglyph | Lapiday | Fable | Sunchaser | mew | Rohann | Confused | Ashanitan | vvtchcraft | Hano | Averyte | helmet | Unfiction | dizzy | MysteryKit | Bugin | FoxTrot | Zakazi | Tragedy | Howl | ssundiall | Aniugraywolf | sleepycat | spikezz | Bloodwolf32 | snugss | wundersou | MysticTrue | kitchen | MayhemTM | lovelikeblood | eudaimonia | Boiledpizza | peach | Rabbit | Luyene | moo | elfilin | Cynocephalic | Blip | moody | Shazadah | omen | eldritchevil | Siarczek | Vixyl | Marbledsoda | scuffed | Sandwichcats | bugpeople | Lovebug | LegoKitt | Sleepy_Cube | Xadieve | LegendsOfZelda | Witchery | Ceravyni | kapro | Fallout | Mothdog | BlackSheWolf | Wisteria | Kate | Malchior | IcyFowl | StarrryNighttt | PhoenixAgate | Sneppy | straw_terry | Nightingale | Cassia | rennie | bananasmoothie | YouBetchaBaby | Kalak | WingedWhiteWolf | Inquisitor | MonarchSociety | GingeQueen | Rycus | fawn | KittyOnAFence | Butch | Doe | Samara | KittKatsuki | anculada | Vodka | digimon | owl_heart | Baka | GoblinKitsune | YoMama | shepard | Dreamwastaken | IceTheCoyote | SpiritWolf | Keru | Dimitrescu | Feralfang | HoneyPod | Tenten | criminologist | PatchedJacket | peppermintMadi | smitten | assiel | ItzAllie_ | Birdie | SeagullCity | Krabby | sparta | DEADPEGASUS | 1ne13riated | CountScalieMaid | Deporitaz | ModernMarrow | KazeTheAlien | Tri | MunchMonster | SlowMoChlo | Zady | Hugrf | Lotusfang89 | Cealygosa | Teabelle | Detka | daiquiri | zozer6 | Aleksander | RipeCitrus | KIDOVANI | SaltedServal | donkyetra | binaryc0de | Akali | JessieDagger | doomy | Moosh | deathandberth | Fourupper | Aiko | softmare | acidiath | CrowHeathen | Qualified | HarleyQuinn | cheburashka | HumphreyRedwolf | LunaWolfsong | lapdog | Silver.Fox.Fauna | LordGrima | ThornsOfARose | Neurosis | Crytari | Valkyrieum | Who | Lenea_Nightz | picture | Rott | Sugar_Guts | Gangstersss | Neffiie | AreWeThereYet | thehollyraven | Aetherya | anoct | Carr0ts | AntsyCat | Pandasrcoolll | gutzkinq | direhyena | uncario | sekiirei | Viatrix | Zaphray | Ardor | aowacc | Cenecal | PupsFluff | Vianti | EagleBearer | 0akmask | RedYoshi101 | StarDust | Aconite. | Solrloa | mr.max | snailpups | Dirgeful | snaps | whitiebou | werebutch | Raiyne_17 | Chloroform | raccoon | IzzieDragon | ripnnips | Olliewog! | Lasiodora | Runeikk | REDACTED707 | SilentXSpectre | JuiceBox | Hadiya | foxraggs | daxelsin | Whitepaw | hoovedup_ | Kato | Skoomphy | raTz | drowned333 | Teacup_ofDOOM | Seri | marq | KooriTora | canine | monsterkitties |